It is of the utmost importance that we provide a safe and efficient process for both arrival and dismissal. This includes morning and afternoon clubs. Many students and parents are walking through the parking lot during these times and we would like to remind everyone to use caution and avoid distractions when in the parking lot.
Additionally, we would like to stress the importance of following the procedures we have below for the loop
We ask that all traffic pull as far up to the end of the front loop to drop off students. Staff members are posted along the front lane to assist with drop off and keep traffic moving. Please be mindful of their requests to pull up as far as possible before allowing students out of your vehicle. By pulling forward, we will get more cars into the lot unloaded and decrease the back-up on Summit.
Adults should stay in the car and the student(s) must exit through the passenger side of the car only with all of their belongings. Please note, in order to successfully keep the traffic moving, students should be ready to hop out with their belongings.
All vehicular traffic in the drop off lane needs to remain in a single file line. Cars should not attempt to go around any stopped daycare buses and/or cars.
We appreciate your cooperation and we thank you for helping out by doing your part in keeping our students safe on their way into and out of school.