
December 6, 2024

The student Holiday Shop will be held during the school day next week on Thursday, December 12th and Friday, December 13th.  Classroom teachers have signed up for a day and time to send any students that wish to visit the shop to the gym.  Your student’s classroom teacher will communicate the day and time they signed up for.  Only those students that have money with them will be visiting the shop.  Visiting the shop is completely optional for your student(s).

A budget envelope to fill out and send in money for the shop along with a flier that has some additional information was sent home earlier this week.  If you did not receive one, please contact your child’s classroom teacher. Checks made out to Collins PTA will be accepted, however any overage will be a donation to the PTA and no change provided when paying with a check.

Please consider helping out!  PTA parent helpers will be present to assist the students with their shopping needs.   We are in need of volunteers to help this run smoothly.  Please use the sign up genius link below to sign up to volunteer.  You can help as short or as long as you like.  All extra hands are much appreciated! To volunteer please sign up using the QR code below